For this Futuremakers’ entrepreneurship project, the IRC engaged 250 female vendors in Kenema and 230 MSME-owners (63 per cent women) in Kousséri.
Given the participants’ multiple needs – to reinstate their businesses, to overcome economic barriers, to combat household- and community-level challenges – a multi-layered approach was required.
The IRC often uses this kind of ‘bundle of services’ approach, given its proven greater success at increasing future incomes (compared to a siloed approach). In the case of this Futuremakers’ entrepreneurship project, the ‘Economic and Social Empowerment’ (EA$E) model was applied, and comprised of three layers:
1. Individual-level interventions Comprehensive entrepreneurial skills training, using the IRC’s ‘Learn to Earn’ curriculum model. This included training around financial literacy, business-related knowledge and skills (such as business-plan development), and access to professional support through business networks.
The provision of seed money for business re-establishment.
2. Household-level interventions Participation in gender discussion groups, to lower the risk of gender-based violence. By holding discussions with female participants and the male members of their households (typically their husbands), this element aimed to bring economic equality at a household level. Specifically, the goal was to educate both men and women to ensure the women can make their own economic decisions, feel encouraged by their families, and avoid the threat of domestic abuse.
3. Community-level interventions Secure saving of income through participation in Village, Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs). These self-managed and self-capitalised savings groups use members’ savings to lend to each other. Membership via this project marked an important collective first step towards economic inclusion for those excluded from financial services.
Watch this video to learn more about the IRC's Kenema Market Recovery from COVID-19 project in Sierra Leone.
Video Credit: International Rescue Committee